On inventing mecha names

Naming people, and naming things: perennial troubles in writing. I find that defining some rules, restrictive though it might feel, actually makes the whole business easier. It also shapes the resulting name-sets so they do feel like they come from one specific cultural context.

In Cosmic Warlord Kin-Bright, Taru armours have names which alliterate, and include nature (e.g. Halcyon, Ash), pastoral (Reaper), or temporal (Cockcrow, Twilit) elements. Here’re some examples:

  • Conquest at Cockcrow
  • Flowering Fusion
  • Twilit Tyrant
  • Cloudburst Castle
  • Halcyon Hammer
  • Reaper on the Ridgeline
  • Autumn Eagle
  • Hellebore Hulk
  • Caprice of Prickthorn (this is Kin-Bright’s old armour; it was called Prince’s Caprice when her father piloted it in his youth)
  • Nightingale of Needles
  • Seek Not at Sunset
  • Sundown Sickle
  • Hailing Harvest

An additional constraint: the names have to fit alternating metre! Almost all of these can work in a x/x/x/x/x/ pattern. A few, such as Conquest at Cockcrow, Prince’s Caprice, Seek Not at Sunset and Hellebore Hulk, only easily appear at the start of lines with initial inversion (/xx/x/x/x/), though sometimes a bit of jiggery-pokery can fit them in elsewhere.

I remain very pleased with Caprice of Prickthorn, because that's easy to fit in when given in full (x/x/x), but can be shortened to Caprice when I need x/ and Prickthorn when I need /x. At one point Kin-Bright mentions the armour's former name, Prince's Caprice. I meant the name change when it entered her possession to indicate something about how the servants in her clan's household regard her personality—something she doesn't think about herself—though I don't know how clearly that comes across in the poem!

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